How Hard is Your Water?

How Hard is Your Water?

Softener Benefits In your Idaho Falls Home

Idaho Falls Water Softener
scale shower Pocatello

Water softeners help to protect the environment.

The impact of fuel savings, Increased life of clothing and appliances, using up to 80% less detergents and cleaning products. Chemicals that pollute our World.

  Monthly Cost Annual Cost* % SAVED Monthly Savings Annual Savings
Plumbing and Appliances Replacement and repairs. $10 $120.00 75% $7.50 $90.00
Cooking and Coffee Tea, Sugar and Canning $9.83 $118.00 25% $2.46 $29.50
Clothing and Linens $50.00 $600.00 30% $15 $180.00
Energy Consumption
(.06 KWH)
Less energy to heat Soft Water
$26.67 $320.00 20% $5.33 $64.00
Soaps and Cleaning Aids Laundry, cleaning, dishwashing, bathing, complexion, shaving, shampoo and rinse *10 or more hours of cleaning per month $86.00 $1032.00 80% $68.80 $825.60
Totals $182.50 $2190.00   $99.09 $1189.10