Contact Us

Southeast Idaho Plumbing

Schedule an appointment with Mathews Plumbing. You can contact us by entering your information in the form below, correctly filling out all required areas.

Please include your new construction plumbing, cooling, or heating needs in detail and what services we can provide you.

After submitting the form, a representative will contact you as soon as they are available. We look forward to hearing from you and providing each of your needs with the best possible service. You can also reach us at our office phone (208) 357-3439.

Contact Us

    [text* phone placeholder "Phone*]

    Telephone Number:

    Phone: 208-357-3439
    Fax: 208-357-0822

    Physical Address:

    342 S State St
    Shelley, ID 83274

    Mailing Address:

    Mathews Plumbing & Heating
    P.O. Box 464
    Shelley, ID 83274

    Business Hours:

    Monday through Thursday – 8:00 am to 5 pm
    Friday 8:00 am to 12:00 pm
    Closed Saturday & Sunday